Terms & Conditions





These terms & conditions of engagement (“Terms“) govern all use of the MYTAXBACK.CO.NZ website and the services My Tax Back NZ Limited provides. Use of this website and/or services provided by My Tax Back NZ Limited will be deemed to constitute acceptance of these Terms. These terms are effective from 21/03/2022.


You give authority for My Tax Back NZ Limited or its staff to link your details with Inland Revenue to their agency client list and for My Tax Back NZ Limited to act as your tax agent for all purposes associated with the assessment, receipt and/or delivery of your tax refund(s). You will contact My Tax Back NZ Limited or the Inland Revenue to cancel this authority. In simple terms this means that you want My Tax Back NZ Limited to continue to act on your behalf and to claim your refunds and file your tax returns until you ask them to stop. You acknowledge that this gives My Tax Back NZ Limited the authority to do all of following:

  • Link your Inland Revenue number to their client list.
  • Obtain information from Inland Revenue in regard to ALL tax types and all tax matters by a variety of methods, including but not limited to by telephone, internet, fax, mail, info express and all E services.
  • Obtain from any financial institution any relevant information that may affect the assessment of your refunds.
  • View all transactions and debt relating to any tax type.
  • Add a new tax type or cease an existing tax type.
  • Amend your address for any tax type.
  • Sign and file any tax returns on your behalf regardless of whether the result is a tax refund or tax bill.
  • Undertake an assessment of your tax position and/or re-assess/check any IR issued assessment and adjust, correct and finalise any pre-populated assessment of final account.
  • Receive your refunds and any tax credits into the My Tax Back NZ Ltd Trust account.
  • Confirm your IRD number and any other relevant details with the Inland Revenue

You understand that if you already have a tax agent you will be delinked from your previous tax agent’s client list. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for ensuring that all information you provide or that is provided on your behalf to My Tax Back NZ Limited is complete and accurate and that My Tax Back NZ Limited does not undertake any audit or verification of such information. Submitting an application constitutes your electronic signature and agreement with all the terms and conditions of engagement.

My Tax Back NZ Limited reserves the right to delink you as a client at any time and for any reason. This clause is for the sole benefit of My Tax Back NZ Limited. You will not incur any further fees other than what has already been incurred up to that point in time if My Tax Back NZ Limited chooses to delink you as a client.

You authorise My Tax Back NZ Ltd to take whatever action is necessary, in their sole opinion, that is in your best interest in relation to your income tax affairs. This may include filing returns that do not result in a tax refund and you agree that My Tax Back NZ Ltd will be responsible for checking the correctness of any pre-popluated assessment.


All fees are subject to addition of GST.

You have read and understood the fee structure and you agree to pay the following service fees.

For wage and salary earners (who are not required to file an IR3) a Standard Assessment Fee of $23 will apply regardless of whether any refund is possible.

A Success Fee equivalent to 11% of the assessed refund amount, for the service provided by My Tax Back NZ Limited in assessing, checking, receiving and/or delivering your refunds or credits due for all/any tax types.  All fees are subject to the addition of gst.

Fees are calculated based on My Tax Back NZ Limited’s assessed value of each refund. You acknowledge that the fees are incurred upon My Tax Back NZ Ltd undertaking an assessment of your information and tax position. For new clients this will be on the day that the application is submitted.

In addition, one of the following charges may apply to all clients who are required to file an IR3 Tax Return (usually those people who have received untaxed income of some kind). If an IR3 is required for any reason the minimum fee is $99. One of the following may apply depending on your circumstances.

Contractors/individuals without expenses to claim $99
Contractors with expenses to claim $149
Self employed – Rideshare, Sole Trader, Air BnB income $149
Income from a Trust or Part Year Return for new immigrants $99
Overseas income (inc foreign investment fund)  $149
Untaxed shareholder Salary $149
Partnership Return $199
      Plus per partner individual return $99
Look Through Company (LTC) $299
      Plus individual return per shareholder $99


Rental Property Returns – Sole Owner  
      1 property  $279
      2 properties                                                                     $449
      3 properties $549
Rental Property Returns – Two Owners  
      1 property (includes tax return for each owner) $379
      2 properties (includes tax return for each owner) $549
      3 properties (includes tax return for each owner)


Each additional owner will incur a $100 assessment fee.

Brightline Test IR833 Return preparation - if you have sold a property subject to the Brightline Test - $199

Business Tax Returns are priced separately from the above..

Miscellaneous Fees:

A $3 per refund for manual or electronic verification of the ID that is submitted with any application.

A $1 per refund fee for all electronic payments of refunds.

International Telegraphic Transfer Fee is $39 for ALL payments to overseas bank accounts.

Urgent Payments outside of normal processing times $19 per refund. This includes repeat payments to invalid bank accounts.

If a cheque has to be cancelled for any reason a $30 cheque cancellation fee will apply.

If you are entitled to a refund, the fees will be deducted from the refund before any remaining balance is paid to you. You authorise My Tax Back NZ Limited to deduct their processing fee immediately upon receipt of any refund into the MY TAX BACK NZ Ltd Trust account.

If you are not entitled to a tax refund, and an IR3 is required, our fee will be payable prior to the issue of a draft return.

You agree that you are liable to pay an administration cost of $199+gst, plus any collection costs and any fees incurred for debt collection should you owe My Tax Back NZ Limited for any overdue amounts.


You authorise My Tax Back NZ Limited to;

Receive any refund for any tax type on your behalf and for this to be deposited into the My Tax Back NZ Limited Trust Account.
Deduct from such refunds any applicable service fee or any other fees as set out above and you understand that this will solely be based on My Tax Back NZ Limited’s assessment.
Pay the net balance of the refunds to you by direct credit into your bank account.

In the event that any portion of your refund is transferred to any tax type arrears you acknowledge that My Tax Back NZ Limited may withhold an amount equivalent to the value of their assessed service fee. In the event that any fees remain outstanding, you authorise My Tax Back NZ Limited to deduct such fees from any future refunds received by them on your behalf.


You understand that while My Tax Back NZ Limited aims to pay the tax refund in 5 working days from application date this time frame can be increased by delays at Inland Revenue for various reasons. You understand the 5 day time frame is not a guarantee and release My Tax Back NZ Limited from any liability for payment occurring outside of that time frame. Refunds for the most recently completed tax year which ends on 31st March will not be issued until late June at the earliest.


You agree that My Tax Back NZ Limited has permission to verify your identity by receiving photo ID, using address verification, and/or NZ Driver Licence verification with any third party provider upon receipt of your on-line application.


You hereby provide your consent for My Tax Back NZ Limited to contact you by email, TXT or phone in order to inform you of any information relating to your tax affairs, or for the purposes of promoting additional marketing initiatives. You understand that should you delink My Tax Back NZ Limited as your tax agent, you can contact them to unsubscribe from further correspondence at any time. You also authorise My Tax Back NZ limited to use any correspondence that you send to them in the testimonial section of the Mytaxback website. Unsubscribing from email contact does not constitute cancellation of MYTAXBACKS authroity to continue to act on your behalf in relation to all tax matters.


7.1 You will notify My Tax Back NZ Limited if you decide to withdraw authority to access your IRD information or if any of your personal details change or if you receive any untaxed income of any kind.

7.2 You authorise My Tax Back NZ Limited to act as your tax agent for all future years until such time that you notify them to cancel this authorisation.

7.3 You accept full responsibility for notifying My Tax Back NZ Limited if you receive any income from any source (other than wages or salary or benefits), or if you have work related expenses to consider and include in your return(s).

7.4 You understand that if any of your refunds, that are issued by the Inland Revenue, are not credited to the MY TAX BACK NZ Ltd Trust Account for any reason whatsoever, you agree to pay My Tax Back NZ Limited their fees within 7 days of receipt of their invoice.

7.5 You will pay any tax owing to the IRD on or before the due date. You do not hold My Tax Back NZ Ltd or it's staff liable for any tax bill that is issued as a result of the filing of any tax return and you understand that any assessment is based on the information that you alone have provided or that has been sourced from Inland Revenue, your bank, investment provider or Kiwisaver provider.


My Tax Back NZ Limited has not audited the information provided in the application and therefore neither we nor any of our employees accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the materials from which any Income Tax Assessments, returns or tax credit claims have been prepared. Further, the Income Tax Assessments, returns or tax credit claims have been prepared or checked at the request of, and for the purposes of the client only, and neither we nor any of our employees accept any responsibility on any ground whatever, including liability in negligence, to any other person.

You acknowledge that My Tax Back NZ Limited does not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information (that you or IR have provided) from which the Tax Returns or tax assessments have been prepared. You agree that you am liable for any payment required by the IRD as a result of My Tax Back NZ Limited filing your tax return(s). You agree that nothing in these Terms creates evidence of any partnership, joint venture, employer/employee or fiduciary relationship with My Tax Back NZ Limited. No reliance should be placed on the operation of this website at any time and yu acknowledge that My Tax Back NZ Limited has no obligation to provide or continue to provide access to this website.


My Tax Back NZ Limited reserves the right to update our terms and conditions or fees from time to time on a minimum of 10 days' notice to you (via email and on our website).

If the changes notified do apply to you but you don't agree with them, you may cancel our services without penalty by notifying us before the new terms, conditions or fees are stated to come into effect.

You may be asked to agree to our current set of terms, conditions and fees before we begin to provide services to you. If we notify you (via email and on our website) that our terms, conditions and/or fees have changed and you do not cancel our services within 10 working days, you will be deemed to have accepted the updated terms, conditions and/or fees.


If you wish to cancel this authority, you may do so by any of the following methods:

  1. Calling My Tax Back NZ Ltd
  2. Emailing My Tax Back NZ Ltd
  3. Calling IRD

If you cancel the authority, a new authority will need to be completed before My Tax Back will be able access your IRD information or to take any further action on your IRD affairs.

12. PRIVACY ACT 1993

Information My Tax Back NZ Limited obtains in the course of this engagement is subject to confidentiality requirements, in addition to obligations under the Privacy Act 1993. My Tax Back NZ Limited will not disclose that information to other parties without your express consent, except as required by law, to maintain your details with Inland Revenue, or to verify your identity with VEDA.


  • Placeholder 1

    If you are unsure about what any of these terms means, please contact our office.

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